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Flourish Counselling Training is a Community Interest Company offering person-centred counselling training as well as personal and professional development opportunities.

In the spring and summer of 2025, we're offering 6-week personal development groups and one-off workshop events on Gender, Sexuality & Relationship Diversity; Anti-Racism & Counselling; Working with Children & Young People; Working with Loss and Grief. These are all open to people who have done or are doing a Certificate or Diploma level Counselling course and/or are working in the field. 

We have further CPD opportunities planned for the autumn. For further details visit:

Joanne Frame
If you are interested in developing your counselling skills further with Persona here are some details of our the Continued Professional Development Training courses being delivered from the start of 2025.

We are now delivering the Certificate in Couples Counselling & Relationship Work fully online reducing the price of the course to £790 for the six day programme.  The course will be delivered by Ross Cairns and Clair Higgon starting on January 12th 2025, closing date for applications is December 16th 2024.

This will be the 6th year Ishtar Swaffield and Clair Higgon have delivered the Certificate in Clinical Supervision course. The course starts on February 1st until July 13th over 11 days at a cost of £1400 which includes an overnight stay for the final weekend at Conforti Institute in Coatbridge. 

We are also delivering a Group Facilitation and Training Skills course starting on February 15th delivered over 3 weekends and 4 study days. The course is facilitated by Ross Cairns and Ishtar Swaffield and will be held at our training centre in Grove House, Uddingston.  The course costs £950 and is non-residential.

Our final Encounter Group of the year is on Saturday December 14th 2024 at a new reduced price of £30.  The dates for 2025 Encounter Groups are Saturday January 18th 2025, Saturday May 3rd 2025, Saturday September 6th 2025 and Saturday December 20th 2025  facilitated by Ross Cairns at a new price of £30 per group or £100 to book all 4 Encounter groups in 2025.

If you are interested in any of the courses please note your interest by emailing me to request the course information and application form.  Or alternatively you can check out our new CPD Flipzine booklet on our website

There are flexible payment options available for all of our courses and a deposit of only £100 to guarantee your place on your chosen programme.  We hope to hear from you soon!

A message from Leonore Langner, Chair of PCE Europe:

At today's Encounter, I announced the innovations for the PCE Europe Encounter Group starting next year.
Here is a brief description for you, with the details.

The board of PCE Europe has decided that the PCE Europe online Encounter will continue to be free for individual members of PCE Europe.

People who even have an individual membership with PCE Europe do not need to do anything now.

For people who are not yet individual members, it is very easy to do so and currently costs only 25 € per year (or 15 € as a social rate).
  • Look at the description of the individual membership on our website
  • click on the button of the application form and fill it out.
  • During the application process you will be asked to pay the membership fee via PayPal. That's it.
One requirement for membership is that you are a member of a national organisation that is an organisational member of ours.
You can find a list of these organisations here:

If you are no member of a national organisation or if there is no organisation in your country, please contact Paul, our membership coordinator, by email at 

If you just want to take a look at the Encounter as a guest, we are offering a one-time ticket for 10 € starting next year. Until the end of the year, this option is still free of charge.

We hope that a personal membership of PCE Europe will strengthen your connection to our network, that you will visit our website more often and take advantage of other possibilities and offers. From next year on, you will have to get the link for the Encounter from the individual members' area of our website every time... so you will automatically see more often our website... but I'll explain that to you when the time comes... ;-)

Our hope is that you will also feel like getting more actively involved in our network, joining a committee or even running for the board.
Our approach thrives on the personal commitment of individuals and we are open to anyone who is interested in volunteering for PCE!

Membership questions will be answered by Paul,
Encounter and further questions by me,


Leonore Langner
Chair of PCE Europe

Holly White
The Heart Wood Certificate Level Training Course is an in-person residential course, being offered as a seven-month long training experience, totalling 100 hours of CPD.
​The focus will be on the ways of being, philosophy, ethics and structures necessary for practitioners wanting to work outside the counselling room. A large amount of the input will focus on the many attitudes and skills of working with groups in nature, most of which are transferable to one-to-one working. We will also include specific elements of working one-to-one in nature.​
​​The 100 hours of training includes a minimum of five days of input in ‘Contact’ work by including the Extended Certificate in Pre-Therapy (contact reflections) certified by the Pre-Therapy International Network.
Joanne Frame
Louise Wilson has kindly shared this moving audio from Brian Thorne about the Person Centred Approach in 2024 which he gave to the Person Centred Association AGM.  I'm sure you will find it an inspiring listen.

There is also a transcript available for those that would prefer to read
Susan Stephen
Background statement:  
In January 2024 the Psychotherapy and Counselling Union (PCU) Scotland Branch co-hosted an event with the Counselling unit at Strathclyde University. The event intended to raise awareness of two significant initiatives; SCoPEd (Scope of Practice and Education for Counselling and Psychotherapy Framework, adopted by its six Membership Body signatory partners in February 2023), and the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, that will shape the future of the counselling and psychotherapy profession and the landscape in which services are provided in Scotland. The event in January was a first step in starting a conversation amongst practitioners, towards us having a say in what that future looks like. PCU Scotland branch are working with academics across Scotland to gather the thoughts and experiences of anyone studying and working in the field, to establish the current landscape in the psychotherapy and counselling profession in Scotland, to generate a wider discussion that will inform a vision for the future of the profession by those working in it. 
This consultation phase will culminate in an event on 2nd November that hopes to bring the profession together, to generate a vision, a common position and vision for the future of the profession that we can campaign for. 
Event: “Vision for the Future of Psychotherapy and Counselling in Scotland”. 
Date: 2nd November 2024 
Time: 2pm – 5pm 
Location: Braeport Centre, Dunblane 
Cost: FREE 
Register: To book your place now email: 
Katie Thompson
Are you a therapist looking for a room to rent at very reasonable rates? Would you like to be part of a community of like minded professionals? 
If so, our beautiful therapy rooms at Hillfoot Court may be ideal for you.  
The rooms are all on the ground floor, and have been thoughtfully designed, with consideration given to the small details that make it a lovely space for both therapists and clients. 

Rental rates are extremely reasonable, from £5.00 an hour,  and include holiday weeks throughout the year.

The centre is ideally placed for public transport links, as well as having plenty of free of charge parking in close proximity.  

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a visit you can get in touch by emailing
Colin MacKillop

Encounter Group of PCE Europe

“In such a group the individual comes to know himself and each of the others more completely than is possible in the usual social or working relationships.” 
(Carl R. Rogers, 1969)

PCT Scotland is a member of The European Network for Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counselling (PCE Europe). PCE Europe offers free Encounter Groups to PCT Scotland members and gives us the chance to participate in these Encounters with our European colleagues. Below are details of the next two Encounter Groups. These begin at 9am UK time.

Next dates

Saturday morning, 20th of July 2024

09:00 – 11:00  Portugal, UK
10:00 – 12:00  Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland
11:00 – 13:00  Romania, Greece, Ukraine, Russian Federation (Moscow)

Friday evening, 20th of September 2024

18:00 – 20:00  Portugal, UK
19:00 – 21:00  Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland
20:00 – 22:00  Romania, Greece, Ukraine, Russian Federation (Moscow)


We organise monthly online encounters over two hours via Zoom.
At greater intervals we plan long online encounters over 6 hours, the next one will problably take place in autumn 2024. 

If you are interested  in the Encounter Group and want to be added to the mailing list please fill out the registration form by clicking on 'REGISTER' below.

If you want get in direct contact please write to

Opening up to individual members was the first step of PCE Europe to live up to our name "European Network ..." not only at the level of organisations but also at the level of living persons. And of course a core part of our approaches is to encounter each other. Consequently PCE Europe wants to create a framework that facilitates contact and exchange between our international colleagues – the “Encounter Group of PCE Europe”.

What is it?
An opportunity for our community to meet. We think of this space as a frame where we can meet as a group and then know each other individually at a deeper level and in a more personal way.

We are aware that our community grows and an encounter group where we can come together and share ourselves, where we can listen, collaborate and create a community is something we want to keep an eye on.

We are looking forward to coming together with you!

Organising Team:
Leonore Langner (Austria)
Bettina Fleischmann (Austria)
Joanne Frame
World Association for Person–Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling

Dear Colleagues, In case you are not yet aware, registration is now open for PCE 2024 in Athens. 

Please consider joining us there.

The Board is very excited by the richness of the theme and all the possibilities it offers for exploration.

And the call for papers is also now open

The Board would love to see you in Athens.

Best wishes
9 results - showing 1 - 9
  • PCT Scotland Membership

There's lots of benefits in joining PCT Scotland, including:

  • participate in all PCT Scotland events;
  • receipt of all PCT Scotland mailings;
  • inclusion in the PCT Scotland brochure / website advertising counsellor availability;
  • able to attend and vote at Association meetings;
  • be office bearers of the Association.